What Our Customers Say

" I don't normally use any marinade because they contain MSG and causes me to get Migraines. Daddy hinkles is the best I have tried and I can use it without worrying about getting a Migraine. We love it on everything. "

- Teresa Baker - Warsaw, IN

" My sister brought me some seasoning and marinade and we grilled Ribeye steaks. Oh my, they were to die for. I am hooked!!! Thank you for changing my steak to the best ever!!!! "

- Pam

" Our local Hy-Vee cooks right in the store using Daddy Hinkle's Instant Meat Marinade. I thought whatever they cooked was always good so I bought some. Now I actually use Daddy Hinkle's to marinate my steak which I have never done before. Perfect every time!!!! "

- Rob

" First encounter with your product was at the OKC State fair. Been hooked ever since. I cook everything with it and I mean everything. Any meat that we eat Has it on it. I do a lot of cook outs and I always get complements on your product. I let everyone know what it is and where to get it. I honestly cant eat a steak anywhere else but here at home. Thank you for coming to the state fair many many years ago and having such a good product! PS, We are thinking about opening up a restaurant/ BBQ place here and will be using your product for sure! Thanks again! "

- Rodney Wilson - Weatherford, OK

" We love your products, it works on every meat we've tried. I get so many compliments on my grilled steaks, they all want to know my secret. Would love to keep my secret, but always pass it on that its Daddy Hinkles, not my grilling abilities. "

- Jo Hein - haysville, KS

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